Hi, I’m Dr. Alison Kole

  • I am a fellowship-trained and Board Certified Sleep Medicine specialist, and chronic insomniac turned sleep biohacker, who is on a mission to empower my listeners to improve their sleep naturally.

  • Sleep Medicine

    Sleep medicine is an important subspecialty of general medicine with the aim of providing basic principles and techniques for treating sleep problems and providing a basic understanding of how sleep is regulated.

  • My Podcast

    I am a fellowship-trained and Board Certified Sleep Medicine specialist, and chronic insomniac turned sleep biohacker, who is on a mission to empower my listeners to improve their sleep naturally.

  • Meet Dr. Kole

    Dr. Kole is a Sleep Fellowship Trained and Board Certified Sleep, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Physician with extensive clinical, new product evaluation/integration and healthcare administration experience.

As featured on:

Dreamy feedback:

Jonathan Kaskey, host of Pharma Sessions Podcast:

I had an international trip with four meetings in four separate locations over three days. I can personally attest that I used the techniques Allison suggested, and I've never felt better while traveling.

PR, Patient at Oak.Care

I was dismissive about my snoring, but persistent fatigue and alarming symptoms led me to consult Dr. Alison Kole. Her diagnosis of sleep apnea was a turning point. The simple, home-based sleep test and subsequent treatment plan she prescribed were transformative. I gained energy, a brighter outlook, and even lost weight. Dr. Kole's guidance not only improved my sleep quality but significantly enhanced my overall life.

SR, Patient at Oak.Care

I am a physician and have sleep apnea. I have worked alongside Dr. Kole for several years. When I had an issue with my well-used 10+ year old unit, she immediately triaged the problem. We discussed the pros and cons of travel CPAP units including various brands available, and she was quickly able to help me upgrade to a new travel unit, all while we spent countless hours rounding in the hospital during COVID. Now I fondly refer to her as the "Mr. Miyagi" of sleep.

TP, Patient at Oak.Care

Dr. Alison Kole exemplifies 'one step above and beyond.' As her patient for years, I've seen her thoroughness and up-to-date knowledge on sleep apnea treatments. She combines detailed medical insights with attentive listening to patient concerns, a blend that was especially valuable during my COVID-19 diagnosis. Her observational skills and proactive approach, like ordering extra tests when noticing changes in my breathing pattern, highlight her commitment to comprehensive care. Dr. Kole's dedication is a key factor in maintaining both mental and physical well-being


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